Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Geneticboi: Bad Hare Day

That's all I'm going to allow myself to give you, if you want to see the rest of this amazing editorial then you'll have to CLICK HERE! My boy Quan has done it again, he never ceases to amaze me. This is what you want to see in fashion fresh innovation oozing off the pages of your fav mags NOT REDUNDANCY. The thing I love the most about Mr. Quan is how he creates a BIG SOMETHING out of virtually nada. I could go on for days about how much of a creative inspiration he is, but I'll restrain myself and let his work do the talking!

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  1. [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Nuvany Ni'ce. Nuvany Ni'ce said: On Nuvany Nice// Geneticboi: Bad Hare Day NEW EDITORIAL BY THE FABULOUS QUAN MAI!!! http://tinyurl.com/2bwst7r [...]

  2. This ed is doooooooope!! Definitely not the run-of-the-mill in every magazine. You have quite the talented friend.

  3. thank you boo! this is why I keep doing what I do... I do it for us underdogs, ALWAYS! :)

  4. Quan is AH-MAZING and I can't wait to see how his success will continue to unfold, hes def. on the right path

  5. Anytime you know I'm your no. 1 SUPPORTER!!!!


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