Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Annelies Timmermans S/S 10

Turbans, head wraps I want it all for spring, I think I'm going to try to tackle executing this chic trend. It's partly why I'm so in love with Belgian designer Annelies Timmermans Spring 10 campaign. This is not my first time featuring Timmermans, but the last was a very brief intro to her line of luxury leather bags. I was immediately taken by the styling of the S/S 10 shoot. For Spring she aptly uses light colors like acqua ,pearl & beige with a pop of red in a supple elephant print leather. Produced completely in Italy a variety of leathers & techniques are used this season, ecco tanned leather handles & hand dyeing are just a few that make the line even more desirable .

After doing a little research I learned that each bag in the spring collection is named after a mythological god(african,asian,& european origin) with some attribution of the god incorporated into the design. There are also 3 subcategories furious, nature & zeus that coincide with the various characteristics of the mythological gods. The Donar bag resembles a bolt of thunder visibly influenced by the Germanic god of thunder. One of my favorites bags in the line -the Marpe made from pvc reminds me of water, a fitting contrast to the predominant leather. Please visit the site to view the complete collection!

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  1. Oh Yes! This is what i'm talking about...an array of hues yet muted with simplicity and elegance! So feminine and chic :)

  2. The styling here is so unconventional, but still is very sophisticated. BAWSE. The colors are a great backdrop for those bags.

  3. Love, love, love this. As always your taste is impeccable!

  4. this is one of the most blatant forms of disrespect to African people that I have ever witnessed in fashion. The sad part about this is the simple fact that there are so many sellouts who love to see traditional African garments worn on white women. You may wonder why this is so upsetting, but most of you will never understand, and it is not expected for you to understand. African people have been raped of there culture and identities for such a long time that this generation thinks that it is okay to buy and take ownership of what belongs to us... African women have dressed like this forever, but now because it has been put on a pale-face it is all of a sudden acceptable and fashionable... o please! The ironic thing is that this is by a Belgian designer... if you know the relationship between Belgium and Africa, this would not be so 'wonderful'.

  5. I'm always torn or should I say prefer one extreme or the other, in this case I love the simplicity as well...

  6. thx ms. shoo...I fell in love w/this line when I first discovered a while back...quality craftmanship and design

  7. I would love to see & feel them in person, they appear to be extremely well-made and the colors are classic


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