Monday, August 16, 2010

Paper Goods: Tam+Sam

Writing is something I've always enjoyed but with the popularity of the internet/email,  like everyone else I've opted to put down the pen & paper and type my thoughts away. But sometimes you just want to go back to the basics and indulge conventionally! One of my favorite blogger duo's Tam + Sam have a really cute line of paper goods ByNous, that feature simple but original designs like their mascot Little Miss X(who by the way I am in <3 with). Why not send a thank-you letter or drop a note to that friend you've lost touch with via snail mail on some snazzy stationary! I'm motivated to try and re-incorporate this past-time back into my routine & hope that you are too. Please visit Tam + Sam blog to be visually stimulated daily & don't forget to check out their ByNous Etsy shop to purchase their line of paper goods!

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  1. Very creative. I love it matter of fact. My company(Paper For Good) also designs stationery(personalized). These are just really cute, I will definitely check out the website!

  2. [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Nuvany Ni'ce, tam+sam. tam+sam said: RT @nuvanynice: On Nuvany Nice: Paper Goods by @tamsamtamsam GET INTO IT WRITING ON STATIONARY remember those days??? [...]

  3. Good deal! I'm starting to enjoy the subtle joys of sending and receiving handwritten notes. I'll check these out.


  4. Yes I am really trying to start writing with pen & paper more often, its really amazing how it has literally been exempt from my life thanks to the interwebs...something that def. needs to be preserved...hope your well sis!


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