Monday, August 2, 2010

Makeup Tutotrial with Ouxu Cheng

I've never talked about makeup here on the blog, partly because I'm not much of a makeup addict. I never really started wearing makeup full-on with foundation until about maybe 2 years ago. And even with that new transition, I never got an accurate lesson on how to apply it correctly. Growing up my mom would always nag me & try to convince me that my flawless skin would be destroyed like hers if  wore makeup, so I followed her advice and stayed away from it. Thankfully I never endured any acne problems & I always naively attributed that to not wearing makeup.

Last week while browsing Ouxu Cheng's blog (we've featured Ouxu in our Grinding series before here), I came across an amazing Makeup Tutorial video that she'd done. I'm all about simplicity, so that is one of the major factors that won me over while watching the tutorial. Aside from the presentation & dope background music, I really felt after watching the tutorial that the look was something I could easily attain on my own which is a major plus! I could also incorporate some of the essential methods into the one and only look that I know how to apply. I hope you enjoy the tutorial as much as I did & don't forget to visit Ouxu's blog & show her some love!

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  1. [...] This post was Twitted by Ouxu [...]

  2. [...] Read the original here: Makeup Tutotrial with Ouxu Cheng « Nuvany Nice [...]

  3. [...] Makeup Tutotrial with Ouxu Cheng « Nuvany Nice [...]

  4. Loved the tutorial. I am a makeup addict, and just love to watch the transformation - the model was already very pretty, but as the makeup is put, she gets drop dead gorgeous!
    Good one!

  5. I'm not much of a makeup person either, but I can totally do this...maybe minus the eyeshadow. LOL.

    Great vid, my dear. Will check out Ouxu's blog.

  6. I am right there with you, I swear I only know how to apply one look that I learned from a makeup party...I have worn the look out, & was elated when I found this simple tutorial!

  7. Wasn't it, so simple & thankfully something that one could easily attempt to duplicate!

  8. Thanks Aninha, thats what won me over the simplicty & the end result a natural flawless look


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