Monday, March 1, 2010

Salute To The Brown Bloggers

I totally procrastinated on this post, but better late than never right. My intention was to post this during African-American history month, but of course I'm one day shy! Hey everyday should be a day to recognize & celebrate who we are, where we've come from & where we are goin! There are many bloggers out there that I admire & learn from, but I just wanted to show a few of my favs some love. A salute to my fellow brown bloggers that continue to stay ahead of the curve in their content, aesthetic & incomparable unique talent!

Who: Street Etiquette created by Joshua Kissi & Travis Gumbs aka Josh & Trav

Why You Should Be Reading: Hailing from the Bronx, New York these two young men will stimulate your visual & intellectual senses in more ways than one. A mixture of style photos, commentary on the history & details of brands/garments, & collaborations that are sure to have them on the next COVER of GQ Magazine. Their recent editorial short  Sewn From the Soul, which pays homage to the dapper men that came  before them continues to confirm their well-rounded growth as young men!

Who: Your Private Shopper created by Kristina Gisors

Why You Should Be Reading: Based in the wonderful city of Paris, fashion stylist Kristina Gisors lets us hitch a virtual ride on adventure that is her life. Delving into a mass of ongoing projects along with chronicling what seem like her daily visits to showrooms &  fashion shows, this ambitious young lady will keep you well-informed on the next budding it designer or trend. And of course she doesn't leave out the fabulous excursions with friends that are just as driven & hardworking as she is. Forbes recently named her one of the most fashionable women on the net.

Who: Jazzi McG created by Jazzi McGilbert

Why You Should Be Reading: As a former intern for countless fashion publications, Jazzi gives an insight into the world of fashion from hands on experience & relationships she has built along the way. Emphasizing that it doesn't take a trust fund to achieve success in the fashion industry, Jazzi's modest journey via her blog helps to dispel this tale. Her DIY tutorial for the DVF Gallinet Nomad Hat has become a fav among fashionistas on the net!

Who: Adore Daily created by Jessie Adore

Why You Should Be Reading: Singer,designer,stylist are just a few talents from the beautiful Harlem based blogger Jessie Adore. Her style photos will motivate your creative juices,  while her sultry vocals will have you anticipating the drop of her next single. Decorating is one her passions & your able to see  her ideas come to fruition as she constantly revamps her beautiful apartment. Hinting at launching an online vintage boutique  &  posting snippets of garments that she makes, my curiosity is growing more than ever now!

Who: Gold Coast Trading created by Emeka Alams

Why You Should Be Reading: The closest you'll get to Africa without physically going there sums up Gold Coast Trading. Emeka has gradually created an online metropolis that gives you an up to date & progressive look into the rich continent. One day you'll read about skate parks in Uganda & the next the new tune from popular Nigerian artist Afrikan Boy!


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  1. Hadn't stumbled on any of them before this post. Looking them all up right now. Nice post!


  2. So happy to hear, you are going to love every last one of their blogs...AMAZINGGGG!

  3. Love, love, love - thanks for turning me on to Gold Coast and Adore Daily!

  4. Thank you for the links, my dear!!

  5. Kristina and Emeka are to of my fave bloggers overall, great to see them given some praise and featured here.

  6. Yes two of my favs as well, they both bring fresh content on a continual basis that keeps you engaged

  7. Of course, thx for always supporting the blog!

  8. Thanks for a dope blog that represents AFRICA/NS in a true & current light Sir!

  9. Awww thank you!!! Your blog is amazing, gives a nice peek into another world with the common interest of fashion...The world is big & its great to be able to travel virtually through the lives of wonderfully inspiring folks like yourself...Much continued success lady!

  10. WOW!!!!!!!
    OMG, what an amazing post!! You have no idea how happy I am, and how much you've inspired the curve!! Tear *)
    Salute to the Fly Brownies!!


  11. better late than never - thank you so much for including me next to these other great talents! really appreciate the love <3

  12. Its my pleasure you & your blog RAWK ;)!

  13. Wow, I just checked your blog too LOVELY!


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